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Monday 25 May 2015

Ingredients to look for: Oily/Blemish Prone Skin

Previously I wrote a post, "How to: Reading ingredient lists - a guideline". Now to take it one step further. Here is another guideline, ingredients to look for when you have oily/blemish prone skin.

If you have enlarged pores, acne and blackheads you're the most likely to have blemish prone skin. This is where the skin overproduces oil in the sebaceous gland (see picture below). When the skin overproduces oil combined with dead skin cells and/or bacteria which cause the pore to clog. If it is a closed surface this is known as a whitehead while one that is open at the surface and is oxidised is known as a blackhead. Either way, it is pretty annoying to have. You have to be so careful with what you put on your skin, putting the wrong thing on your skin can clog your pores or actually aids in the production of sebum and thus causing that not-so-awesome shiny face.


Skincare products that you should look for should have non-comedogenic on them. Meaning they have tested and trialed the product to ensure that it doesn't clog your pores. However are there ingredients that we should look for to help fight against oily/blemish prone skin?

Top 3 ingredients from my experience that you should try when combating oily/blemish prone skin:

Salicylic acid (extracted from Willow bark, also an analgesic [see Napoleon's Buttons])
Salicylic acid which is usually in concentrations of 2% is great for unclogging pores, clearing and preventing pimples/blemishes[1].

Tea Tree Oil [Melaleuca alternifolia, a plant species native to Australia[2]. It is a terpene -related to Eugenol (eucalyptus oil)]
Tea Tree Oil is a powerful antiseptic, great for inhibiting the growth of bacteria and fungi. It also helps cleanse the skin[3].
Clay/kaolin [Kaolin is a clay that comes from China (kaolonite)]
Kaolin is a very absorbent substance. Due to this property it is great for absorbing excess oil, dirt, impurities and pollutants thus help clearing pores[4].

Of course in saying this, please stop using them if they cause irritation or your skin becomes sensitive. Also this is just a guideline, acne/pimples could be caused not just from bacteria clogging the pores, but acne could also be cause by hormones, stress, dietary factors and not enough sleep to name just a few.

Stay beautiful, be you xoxo


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